Seminaari lääkkeisiin ja ruokaan liittyvästä etiikasta ja kestävyydestä 8.2.2023
Mitä on kestävä kehitys terveydessä, diagnostiikassa ja lääkekehityksessä? Mitkä ovat lääkkeiden ja ruuan ympäristövaikutukset? Mitä on lääkkeiden hinnoittelun etiikka?
Tule kuuntelemaan keskustelua näistä ja muistakin mielenkiintoisista aiheista Thematics Talk Together -seminaarisarjan luennolla, jonka järjestävät Terveys, diagnostiikka ja lääkekehitys -temaattinen yhteistyö ja Terveyskampus Turku. Ennen tapahtuman alkua tarjolla on kahvia, ja paneelikeskustelujen jälkeen on mahdollisuus verkostoitua juoman ja pienen purtavan kera.
Hanna Haveri, planetaarisen terveyden asiantuntija, avaa tapahtuman key note -puheellaan ja kertoo biodiversiteetin vähenemisen vaikutuksista ihmisen terveyteen.
Tapahtuma on englannin kielinen, ja kaikki aiheesta kiinnostuneet ovat tervetulleita osallistumaan!
Sustainability and ethics of medication and food
Keskiviikkona 8s helmikuuta 2023 klo 14:15-16:00
UTU päärakennus, Säästöpankki luentosali
ei etäosallistumismahdollisuutta
Jyrki Heino, HDDD chair of executive committee
Eriikka Siirala, Health Campus Turku executive director
14:20 KEY-NOTE TALK: Connections between biodiversity and human health – a planetary health perspective
Hanna Haveri, Orion Pharma; UCB Pharma
14:45 PANEL DISCUSSION: Environmental impacts of medication and food
Sanja Riikonen, University of Helsinki
Saska Tuomasjukka, Functional Foods Forum
Terhi Lehtinen, FIMEA
15:15 PANEL DISCUSSION: Ethical aspects on the price of medication
Susanne Uusitalo, University of Turku (moderator)
Heikki Lukkarinen, Turku University Hospital
Mika Kortelainen, University of Turku
Juha Laine, University of Turku
15:45 Closing of the event, after which networking and mingling with snacks and drinks in the lobby
Rekisteröidy tapahtumaan viimeistään perjantaina 3s helmikuuta
Jos haluat osallistua taphtumaan reksiteröitymisen sulkeuduttua, niin otathan yhteyttä Maija Lespinasseen (miholm(a)
Lisätietoa tapahtumasta ja lopullinen ohjelma
Temaattiset kokonaisuudet ovat Turun yliopiston tutkimuksen ja koulutuksen profiloitumis- ja vahvuusalueita. Ne edistävät monitieteistä tutkimusta ja koulutusta sekä vahvistavat yliopiston sisäistä yhteistyötä. Ne luovat alustoja verkostoitumiselle, tutkimus- ja yritysyhteistyölle, innovaatioiden synnylle ja strategisille kumppanuuksille.
Sustainability and ethics of medication and food seminar on 8 February 2023
What is sustainability within health, diagnostics and drug development? What are the environmental impacts of medication and food? What are the ethical decisions in relation to the cost of medication?
Come and join the interesting discussion about these topics and more at the Thematics Talk Together seminar organized together by Health, diagnostics and drug development (HDDD) thematic collaboration and Health Campus Turku. Leading experts within sustainability, medication and food will share their insights and knowledge on these topics in a panel discussions giving the audience a possibility to join to the conversation as well. Coffee and tea is served before the event, and after the panels there is networking with snacks and drinks in the lobby.
Hanna Haveri, an expert on planetary health, will open the event with a keynote speech on biodiversity and health.
We promise that you will not leave this event empty handed. This crucially important topic is present in our everyday lives and work and we should all consider our own actions to promote sustainability.
Everyone interested in the topic of the seminar is welcome to join!
Sustainability and ethics of medication and food
Wednesday 8 February 2023 at 14:15-16:00
UTU Main Building, Säästöpankki lecture hall
On-site event only
Jyrki Heino, HDDD chair of executive committee
Eriikka Siirala, Health Campus Turku executive director
14:20 KEY-NOTE TALK: Connections between biodiversity and human health – a planetary health perspective
Hanna Haveri, Orion Pharma; UCB Pharma
14:45 PANEL DISCUSSION: Environmental impacts of medication and food
Sanja Riikonen, Univeristy of Helsinki
Saska Tuomasjukka, Functional Foods Forum
Terhi Lehtinen, FIMEA
15:15 PANEL DISCUSSION: Ethical aspects on the price of medication
Susanne Uusitalo, University of Turku (moderator)
Heikki Lukkarinen, Turku University Hospital
Mika Kortelainen, University of Turku
Juha Laine, University of Turku
15:45 Closing of the event, after which networking and mingling with snacks and drinks in the lobby
Please register by Friday 3 February 2023
If you would like to participate to the event after the registration is closed please send an email to Maija Lespinasse (miholm(a)
More details and final program
Event organisers
Health, diagnostics and drug development (HDDD) focuses on research which creates medical and technological breakthroughs to advance population health. Turku region has a strong expertise cluster in health research where scientific research, public healthcare, and versatile business life meet.
Health Campus Turku is a significant multidisciplinary knowledge cluster within medicine, social and health care and technology which offers unique opportunities for research, innovation and corporate collaboration.
The Steering Group for Sustainable Development at The University of Turku develops, monitors and evaluates the sustainable development activities of the University in relation to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and promotes the realisation of the principles of sustainable development in the practical activities of the University.
Thematics Talk Together -seminar series addresses topical and interesting themes from the different points of view of the six strategic research and education profiles of the University of Turku. The theme of the seminar series for the academic year 2022–2023 will be Sustainability.