Data services for complex data analysis and interpretation
HCT produces rapidly growing amounts of data, with a large and constantly increasing proportion of it being medical and biological imaging data. HCT has already for several years had state-of-the-art imaging instruments and experienced personnel, and has been producing open access imaging services locally, nationally and internationally. However, services for data analysis are largely missing. This WP will provide the critical missing piece: Turku BioImaging Data Analysis Team (TBI-DAT), a dedicated service for data management, analysis, integration and interpretation. Importantly, the service will be developed together with local companies that produce a lot of complex data requiring analysis.
Concrete actions for TBI-DAT are to:
1) Meet the users and provide data management, analysis and interpretation consultation and service, using local and cloud-based hardware, open source and commercial software tools, and tailor-made algorithms and scripts.
2) Work closely together with the EuBI Web Portal software development and data team, which provides programming and data integration and sharing assistance.
3) In collaboration with the TUAS Health Tech Lab to contribute to the development of AI-driven deep learning methods to analyze biomedical image data and provide computation hardware.
Ultimately, this WP aims to develop a business model for sustainable operations of TBI-DAT. TBI-DAT will enable HCT researchers and companies to transform a significantly larger proportion of acquired data into useful scientific and health-related information, to identify e.g. novel clinical patterns, ultimately enabling the development of high-end responsive models of care, monitoring, and prevention. TBI-DAT will also strengthen the utilization and management of large health-related data registers in the existing HCT research and service platforms, such as Turku Bioscience Centre, Turku PET Centre, Health Tech Lab and Auria Biobank and Clinical informatics.