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Service name


RNA-sequencing data analysis
Service provider(s)


Medical Bioinformatics Centre, Turku Bioscience Centre, University of Turku

Customer Academic researchers and companies generating RNA-sequencing data sets
Duration It is estimated to take about one month to deliver the data analysis results, after receiving the raw data from the customer.
Price Please contact us to hear more about the pricing.
Start The service will be started within around one week from the project agreement, depending on the schedule of receiving the raw data from the customer.
Description Data analysis for RNA-sequencing dataset (produced using Illumina sequencer) from human, mouse or zebra fish samples. Data analysis contains the following steps:
–       Starting meeting
–       Quality control
–       Read alignment to reference genome and gene-level read summarization
–       Differential gene expression analysis and filtering of the top genes
–       Functional enrichment analysis
–       Comprehensive analysis report
–       Result meeting