Write an Entry in the Health Campus Friendship Diary
Have you taken part in the Health Campus Turku activities in one way or another? We are collecting entries into the Health Campus Turku friendship diary from people who have a connection to Health Campus. You may have participated in a campus event, taken part in the research group mentoring programme or participated in the Health Campus Work Experience Exchange Day, or you may be collaborating with another or more campus organisations. Tell us more about yourself and your own Health Campus experience by writing in the campus friendship diary.
The entries in the friendship diary will be published in the Health Campus social network (Facebook and LinkedIn). We will start publishing the writings when we have collected enough entries. We are aiming for the beginning of December 2024.
Questions for the Friendship Diary:
– Name
– Job title
– Organisation
– How long have you been friends with Health Campus Turku?
– What is your connection to Health Campus Turku?
– How has Health Campus Turku benefited your work?
– What is on your desk right now?
– What do you do in your spare time?
– What is your superpower
In addition to answering the questions in the friendship diary, we also ask you to include a photo of yourself. It does not have to be a profile picture. It can be any kind of publishable photo.
You can send your entry and photo by 30 November 2024 by email to:
(For Health Campus Turku working group members: You can also participate in the diary on the Health Campus teams channel).