Research Groups
InFLAMES Flagship belongs to Academy of Finland’s research flagships and is a joint initiative of University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University. The goal of the Flagship is to integrate the immunological and immunology-related research activities to develop and exploit new diagnostic and therapeutic tools for personalised medicine.
INVEST – Inequalities, Interventions and a New Welfare State – aims at providing a new model for the welfare states that is more equal, better targeted to problem groups, more anticipatory as well as economically and socially sustainable. Based on cutting-edge research on the conditions and mechanisms involved at different periods of development, INVEST will evaluate and develop various universal and targeted interventions to improve the efficiency of the current welfare state institutions at critical points of the early life course.
The Centre for Population Health Research aims to advance multidisciplinary health research focusing on different phases of the life cycle and to develop new modelling methods with the help of which national registers and clinical population research data could be utilised for predicting and promoting population health, well-being, and ability to function.
Functional Foods Forum brings together the multidisciplinary expertise for the research and development of high-quality and healthy foods of the future. Together with our partners we research and develop innovative, healthy food products. Functional Foods Forum also executes collaborative development projects aiming on growth and internationalization of food industry sector in Finland.
Centre for Education and Research on Social and Health Servicses, hosted by the University of Turku, assembles multi-disciplinary scientific expertise and social welfare and health care authorities working towards a more accessible social and health care system. We are committed to create a collaborative operational culture where evidence-based information is effectively translated into practical solutions.
Paavo Nurmi Centre is a Department of Physical Activity and Health functioning. This special unit studies, educates on and shares data on physical activity and well-being. Paavo Nurmi Centre member organizations are University of Turku, City of Turku, Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Finnish Heart Association – Regional District of South-West Finland and Turku Univeristy of Applied Sciences.
Turku BioImaging connects “all things in imaging”. Turku BioImaging embraces state-of-the-art imaging technologies, ranging from molecular and cellular imaging, high content analysis to whole animal and human imaging. The consortium also includes proteomics, systems biology, computational modeling, and software development for image data processing and analysis.
Turku Brain and Mind Center (TBMC) gathers more than twenty research groups from various fields of neuroscience in Turku. TBMC groups are from the University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University. TBMC researchers work in multi-disciplinary teams to explore the mechanisms underlying brain function in health and disease.
Turku Bioscience (previously Turku Centre for Biotechnology) is an advanced core facility and research centre hosted jointly by University of Turku and Åbo Akademi University. The centre offers technology and research services in genomics, proteomics, screening etc.
Turku Centre for Disease Modelling is a research and research service organisation at the Faculty of Medicine in University of Turku. TCDM applies and provides state-of-art research facilities and expertise in studies in experimental animals to support both academic and industrial associated research. TCDM focuses on genetically modified mice and tumor xenografts as models for human diseases.
The Turku Clinical Biomaterials Centre provides modern research infrastructure and highly skilled laboratory staff for local researchers and international visiting scientists so that they can conduct their research in academic atmosphere with superb contact with the world-wide biomaterial industry.
Turku PET Centre is a Finnish National Research Institute for the use of short-lived positron emitting isotopes in the field of medical research. The core functions of Turku PET Centre are based on the agreement between University of Turku, Åbo Akademi University and Turku University Hospital. All facilities are located in the University campus and clinics.